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Tiny Showers

Tiny Showers is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. They give impoverished Southwest Florida newborn infants the supplies they need to ensure their safety and welfare. Visit their website for additional information: 


Our Guild contributes sewn blankets to this organization using our donation fabric or your own. Once collected, these blankets are packaged with the other supplies needed so that every infant in Southwest Florida has a safe and healthy beginning. â€‹â€‹


Dianne Zinszer is the coordinator and collector of these blankets.

If you have any questions, please contact her via email:



Tiney Showers Blanket Instructions


Size: Approximately 22" x 36"



(1) 22" x 36" cotton fabric

(1) 22" x 36" cotton flannel


Fabric Notes: 

- Prewash all fabrics. 

- 1 yard of fabric will make 2 blankets by cutting the width in half


Assembly Tips:

1. Pin the two fabrics well to stabilize the flannel which tends to shift.

2. The size is not absolute but should be a width of at least 20".



1) Place the cotton and flannel right sides together (RST).


2) Sew 1 /4" seam around all sides leaving a 4"opening for turning. Clip corners and turn right sides out.


3) Press well.


4) Topstitch 1 /8" from the edge around all sides (closing the opening).


5) Turn in your completed blanket to Dianne Zinszer on Monday.


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